A little bit about me...

Hi, I'm Jo. Thanks for stopping by!

You may wonder why I called the blog Penny Procrastination when my name is clearly Jo. Well, aside from the beautiful alliteration, Penny is the name of my lovely 3 year old cockapoo. She is often the reason for my procrastinating too!

See, I can't resist that beautiful face, and making her beard into a fetching moustache!

Anyway, this is the reason for me starting a blog, I LOVE to write, however since finishing my degree I've had little need of writing, and with renovating a house, a wedding and bringing home my beautiful pooch, I have been slacking off on the writing front recently.

This isn't my first attempt at writing a blog, in fact it's my third, but as they say... third time lucky and I hope I can stick to it this time around! If you stick around, I promise I will too!

Love Jo xx
