Birthday Eve

OK, So I've taken the plunge. This year I decided I need to do something for Lent. Normally as a non-smoker I tell people I've given up smoking (hilarious...) but this year with my birthday falling on Pancake Day, I've decided to try something special.

The problem is, I'm not very good at keeping to goals so my 'clever' thinking approach is to combine the goals and publish them in this blog to make me achieve!

Here are my goals:

1. Write something everyday. I've tried diaries but I have so many pretty notebooks which detail my life from January the 1st to 10th I can't tell you, so blogging is my answer to this.

2.Tone up - do sit ups, squats, planks, something... Every. Single. Day. I hate exercising, but I'm getting a bit flabby. I'm off on holiday in October so I have plenty of time to get fit and healthy before hand... She says!

3. Get organised. I simply LOVE the thought of an organised and minimalist life, however I can't seem to get rid of all the papers and things around the house. So I need to make a conscious effort to get rid, especially since the hubby and I are looking to embark on a self-build project pretty soon. Organisation and minimalism will most definitely be required.

Along the way I'll also be looking to post about experiences I've had with crafting, baking or whatever I seem to be doing at the time, so if you're reading this, stay tuned! I'll hopefully be keeping up to date with my blog!

Love Jo xxx
