Organising the cupboards

OK, so here it is, my first proper organising post, I thought I'd start small and work my way up to the more challenging areas of the home.

Pretty messy right?! Unfortunately, we're not blessed with a large amount of drawer space in the kitchen, so I have no choice but to put all my cookery books and other useful things in a cupboard, also, because I bake and cook so often, I always find myself having to reorganise the dry goods in our larder cupboard. The problem is, the larder gets so messy, and things fall on top of each other all the time! 

So, when I had a spare hour this afternoon, I decided to tackle these cupboard monsters! To begin with I took everything out of the cupboard and gave each shelf a good cleaning.

Next I sorted through the items to determine what I actually need. I put things which didn't belong in the cupboards back in their rightful places and chucked away any old or never see takeaway menu's. We had loads! I also checked all the 'best before' dates on my perishable goods and threw away any which were expired.

I also have lots of biscuit cutters which I don't use often (Santa cookie cutters!) but still need. This is where saving old ice-cream tubs come in handy!

Finally  placed all the items back in the cupboard with the items I use the most at the front. If you can see on the left hand photo below, I also grouped together all the takeaway menus with a bulldog clip so that I can whip them out of the cupboard and flick through them all like a book on takeaway night!

Voila! The finished article, everything has a place and I can see what I have in my cupboards, the best part is, I haven't spent a penny on fancy shelving or boxes!

Happy organising people!
